Painted Churches (Schulenburg)

Ride Host Contact Info
William Hudson: or 210-387-7340
Start Date and Time
Sat, 05/20/2023 - 09:00 am
Ride Rating
Hill Rating
Ride Length (miles)
Ride Description
  • Among the most beautiful of Texas hidden treasures are the Painted Churches of which perhaps the most impressive are located around Schulenberg.  German and Czech immigrants built the churches in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They were painted to emulate the churches they left behind in Europe. See
  • There is never any guarantee that all the churches will be open on a particular day.
  • Drive from Austin is about 80 miles/1½ hours. This ride should be suitable for tandems. Also, non-riding partners might want to drive the route and then meet up for lunch?
  • Store stop:  None: there is “faucet water” at some of the churches so take enough drinks/snacks.
  • Lunch:  If we are back in time, the Garden Company, 217 Kessler Ave, Schulenburg.  Hours are 11 to 3 Mon - Sat.  
  • Bathrooms at ride start: yes (if open)
  • Most of my rides are for self-confident riders who are comfortable and safe in a group riding situation which could (depending on the route) include pace-line riding, hilly terrain and exposure to urban traffic.  
  • Helmets are mandatory on all my rides. 
  • Routes will be posted in RWGPS format and cue sheets are printable from that site.  Printed maps or cue sheets will not be available at the ride start.
  • Ride will be “no drop”, assuming riders have properly matched themselves to the ride description, average speed and terrain.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to prepare yourself + bike, have the 5-minute safety briefing to be ready for an on-time departure.
  • In case of inclement weather, check this web site early on the morning of the ride.
Cancelled or Not
Not Cancelled